Paul Manuel—2020
Tim 4:1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who
will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his
kingdom, I give you this charge: 2 Preach the Word; be prepared in season and
out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful
instruction. 3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound
doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a
great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They
will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5 But you,
keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an
evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.
I. His authority
is supreme (vv. 1-2).
A. The Lord is with you.
B. The minister is for others.
Application: It is neither possible
nor advisable for a minister to avoid study, for that would deprive him
of insights only available through others (2 Tim 2:15).
II. His adversary
is short-lived (vv. 3-4).
A. The enemy is ever deceiving.
B. The enemy is essentially deceived.
Application: Do
not try to win an argument by humiliating your adversary, lest you turn
him into your enemy (Phil 4:5).
III. His attitude
is stable (v. 5).
A. The minister is determined to serve.
B. The minister is devoted to serve.
Application: The
minister must adapt for the gaps in his education, and the congregation
must allow him time to backfill those gaps (1 Pet 3:15).
Introduction: Sometimes you get involved
with something without realizing at first what it is about:
The minister received an unexpected phone call from
the IRS. “Hello, is this Rev. Green?” “It is.” “This is the IRS. Do you know a Steve
Smith?” “Yes, I do.” “Is he a member of your congregation?” “Yes, he is.” “Did
he donate $10,000.00?” There was a pause, then minister replied… “He will.”
Sometimes you
get involved with something without realizing at first what it is about.
Timothy may have started in the ministry without realizing at first what it is
about. Paul writes a letter to Timothy telling him some of what he can expect.
It is “A Minister’s Manifesto,” general guidelines about how the young leader
can fulfill his calling.
While traveling through Asia Minor, Paul writes twice to Timothy, a young man
he knows well, a man he introduces to service in the local church. In his
second letter Paul tells Timothy with a few broad strokes what to expect. This
is not a detailed job description, but a description about what he should
The first thing Timothy should realize is that…